The I-595 Express project in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, includes some of the most extensive privately operated and maintained transportation pavement infrastructure in North America, with over 200 lane-miles of roadway and 180,000 daily users. The Florida Department of Transportation contracted with the privately funded concessionaire I-595 Express LLC to operate the highway to a set of performance standards over a 30-year period.
Failure to meet the performance standards can result in financial penalties. Therefore, overall management of the asset requires a clear understanding of the standards, the highway’s ability to meet them, and the need for future rehabilitation to maintain compliance.
Tetra Tech and our team of more than 30 pavement engineering and asset management specialists developed a framework for management of the I-595 pavement. This framework included:
- A method for collecting highway pavement inventory and condition data
- Pavement performance models to predict future performance and condition
- Lifecycle cost analysis tools capable of assessing the project’s complex and non-typical performance standards
- Asset management software that can generate thousands of possible pavement rehabilitation strategies
- A pavement management plan outlining physical works and financial needs over the 30-year concession period
Tetra Tech produced the pavement management plan, leveraging our extensive experience in transportation asset management and expertise through our Tetra Tech Delta outreach programs. The plan:
- Complies with the project’s complex performance standards
- Provides the lowest present value cost of maintenance and rehabilitation over the 30-year life cycle
- Manages future performance and financial risks to I-595 Express LLC
- Assures the Florida Department of Transportation that the highway asset is being appropriately managed
Our team used our Leading with Science® approach to deliver a data-driven solution that exceeds the client’s expectations. This work led to a multi-year partnership between Tetra Tech and I-595 Express LLC to see the pavement management plan through.
- Connecting the I-95/I-75 transportation corridor
- Reducing travel times and congestion
- Servicing over 180,000 daily users
- Helping manage $1.8 billion in transportation infrastructure
Representing more than 65 percent of our future investment costs, having a pavement management plan you can rely on is critical. When you’re dealing with long-term investors, you want to have a reasonable forecast of what the funding needs will be year on year. This provides credibility to the outcome and defines clearly the work needs. Tetra Tech has provided our project with the information needed to make the critical decisions to satisfy the project stakeholders.
Matt Pierce, CEO, I-595 Express LLC