Organics Management and Waste Diversion

Tetra Tech helps clients transition to effective resource management by integrating existing infrastructure or building efficient new facilities with a goal of reusing organic waste to produce renewable products.
Tetra Tech helps clients integrate organic waste management systems into existing infrastructure or build efficient new facilities. We help with design and technology selection based on site-specific facility goals. We have extensive experience in composting operations, anaerobic digesters, and biogas management systems, from organic waste stream characterization and end-market analyses to facility design and layout and construction management.
Tetra Tech is Leading with Science® to support a new solid waste management paradigm. We bridge technical solutions and societal needs that are important to successful integration of organics programs and infrastructure design. We believe that technical knowledge is key to designing efficient collection systems, from understanding equipment needs to creating mathematical models and assisting clients with selecting collection and processing options.

Organics Management
We consider technical solutions and societal needs, both of which are important to successful integration of organics programs with collection systems. Our design expertise includes collection, processing, treatment, and reuse of pre-consumer and post-consumer organics, including green waste, food waste, biosolids, agriculture and dairy waste, forestry materials, and materials recovery facility (MRF) residue.
- Organics analysis to assess available organics waste streams
- Due diligence, regulatory, site suitability, and environmental site planning
- Financial, technology, air emissions, and waste-to-energy evaluations
- Complete design, permitting, and compliance support

Composting Technologies
Tetra Tech is assisting in the transition towards effective organics resource management for the generation of renewable products. We provide comprehensive technical composting services for aerated static pile (ASP), covered ASP, and enclosed in-vessel systems, including permitting and compliance, engineering design, construction management, and operations training.
- Equipment and pad layout recommendations
- Process logic diagrams for monitoring and operations
- Site, civil, and air distribution design and permitting
- Collection program design and implementation
- Community outreach and pilot program development

Anaerobic Digesters (Wet to Dry)
Tetra Tech has been involved in the successful execution of more than 600 anaerobic digester projects, including at the City of Edmonton and for Turning Earth. Whether adding anaerobic digestion or changing the method going into an existing anaerobic digester at a wastewater treatment plant or stand-alone unit, we can help safely plan and successfully execute the project.
- Permitting
- Equipment recommendations and layout
- Building design, including air handling
- Biogas collection, distribution, treatment, and conversion

Organics Diversion and Commitment to Beneficial Reuse
Our understanding of organics and the characterization of discarded organic waste has resulted in numerous successful source reduction and recovery solutions, including at the County of Los Angeles, State of Colorado, Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen, Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District, and City of Cornwall. Our experts continually conduct research on best practices and use the information gained to develop toolkits and strategies to prevent and divert wasted food from the municipal solid waste stream.
- Food waste assessment methodology development
- Participant recruitment for waste characterization surveys
- Waste composition studies
- Compilation and analysis of survey result data
Connect with us. Reach out to our integrated solid waste solutions experts.